The Flash SN3 E5 – Monster

Welcome back to your weekly recap of our favourite Central City speedster, Barry Allen, as he fights crime and other metahumans. Today’s episode is Episode 5 of Season 3, titled Monster.

Barry, having finally moved out of Joe’s house, prepares breakfast for Cisco. A grumpy Cisco who, although he loves the breakfast treatment, needs some space from the constant Flash experience. While they sit down in Cisco’s apartment munching away on breakfast, they discuss their opinion of the new Wells recruit and their uncertainty about his fit with the team.

In the meantime, Caitlin leaves for a couple of days to visit her mom, Dr. Tannhauser, who works as a biomedical researcher in a lab. Caitlin asks about a recent paper her mom published, about a certain branch of biomedical science. However, her mom continues to act distracted, until Caitlin reveals with a burst of ice that she needs her help.

Back in Star City, the new Wells recruit is trying desperately to impress Team Flash. Brewing coffee for every member of the team, he tries to suggest that team building exercises would help them all get to know him better. Cisco disagrees, telling Wells to take a back seat and observe for the time being. The team splits up for the day once they receive Caitlin’s message that she’ll be out-of-town for a few days.

Barry speeds off for work, but ends up called into the Captain’s office because surprise-surprise: Julian has reported him, for not one or two, but NINE work violations. Uh oh Barry. Barry apologizes and is let off with a warning from the Captain. Cisco calls Barry to tell him there’s something going down downtown, but all the traffic cams aren’t working.

Barry speeds down to the scene to see a giant monster like something out of Pacific Rim, minus all the glowing limbs. Barry tries, and fails, to explain what the monster is to Cisco. The monsters flails around wrecking havoc, causing a bus crash nearby, which Iris and Barry both go to the rescue of. Finally managing to open the doors, freeing the people inside. However, when Barry turns back to the monster it vanishes without a trace. Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Team Flash tries to figure out how to stop the monster. Wells suggests using carbon-fibre ropes to tie the monster up. Barry also mentions that a nearby transformer blew up without the monster even touching it, but the team is at a loss as to how.

While Dr. Tannhauser runs tests in the hopes that she can find out the sources of Caitlin’s powers, she ends up treating her daughter like a test subject. Caitlin grows colder and colder as the day progresses, bringing up old wounds about the passing of her dad, leading into an emotional fight between them. Caitlin ends up revealing that her beloved husband died last year, so she knows how her mom felt.

Barry talks to Julian about shadowing his work for the day in the hopes of improving his own, but really he just wants to create a working relationship with Julian. Julian allows him to, in exchange for moving out of the lab, to which Barry agrees. Barry and Julian investigate the scene of the monster, noticing a pattern, when suddenly the monster reappears. Barry manages to save Julian’s life just as the duo are about to be fried. The monster disappears yet again.

Caitlin decides to leave, but her mom’s assistant Nigel locks her inside the room. Once threatened, Caitlin’s inner killer frost is challenged and she freezes Nigel’s arm. Her mom bursts into the room and manages to talk Caitlin down from becoming a killer, telling her to leave and she’ll take care of Nigel.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry and Cisco discover that Wells is just repeating their suggestions and acting sketchy. They investigate and find a recording pen which Wells reveals is because he’s writing a novel about his adventures. The Team still thinks something about him is off, so they confront him again only to realise that Wells is a con-artist.

Caitlin returns to S.T.A.R. Labs just as the monster makes another appearance. Barry speeds off to create a carbon-fibre rope that will trip the monster over, but when the monster walks right through it the team realises the monster is actually only a projection. The Task Force assigned to the monster begins to shred it with bullets, only to be stopped by the Flash who warns them it’s only a projection. Julian having narrowed down the area from which the monster could be controlled, approaches the mastermind. He fires his gun but the mastermind is saved by the Flash, who reveals to Julian that it’s only a kid. The kid explains to Joe that he is bullied at school and only wanted to make people fear him, to feel powerful. Joe reprimands the boy, but tells him that he can change his life around.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Wells explains to the team that he’s just the idea man from the Earth he comes from. He acted as the face of the company, until everything fell apart, or rather, the public discovered he was a fraud. Despite his lack of scientific skill, he explains that he can help the team since he helped fight the metas from his earth. They agree to let him stay, as he wants his shot at redemption, and Team Flash is all about redemption.

Barry and Julian bond after Julian admits that he nearly killed a kid, who was being bullied. He also admits that he grew up as the odd child of the family, a very wealthy family from England (hello Malfoys). He didn’t want to be like the rest of his family so he came here to become the best scientist he could possibly be, but now he feels powerless because of the metahumans. Barry then invites him out for a drink, which Julian accepts. Finaaaaally.

Caitlin’s mom sends her a message that sounds like a parent-child talk about puberty, but is actually about Caitlin’s body changing the more she uses her powers. Caitlin then turns the computer into a Popsicle, because controlling her powers ain’t exactly easy.

Next week on The Flash

I found it quite interesting that the producers were going through a non-metahuman episode. It was rather refreshing to see the Flash trying to figure out a more human crime. I’m glad we’ve gotten to know the new Wells and Julian better. What did you think of Monster? Comment below, or tweet me @SohoDoll. And as always, “Run Barry, run!”

The Flash SN2 EP14 ‘Escape from Earth-2’


So it’s time for this weeks review of the flash and we find are selves back on Earth 2 to find out if Cisco and Dr Wells can save Barry and also if Jays condition can be helped by Caitlin.

At the beginning of the episode we see Zoom going around the city in search of Dr Wells by handing out pictures with the words bring me Wells on them. We then see Dr Wells watching the news and a clip of a building with the words bring me Wells in flames on the side of it.

Cisco arrives to back at Star labs to fill Dr Wells in on the sequence of events and that Barry has been taken prisoner by Zoom. We see Earth 2 Barry has woken up from being knocked out at the beginning of the last episode. Just as Dr Wells and Cisco are about to explain what has been going on Zoom arrives and the trio head for Dr Wells hidden time room, Zoom manages to figure out where the hidden room is and enters but the three of them are nowhere to be seen it turns out Dr Wells has some sort of visual gun that projects a fake wall to hide behind.

The three of them leave Star labs and head to the police HQ where they fill Earth 2 Iris in on what has been happening. Earth 2 Barry has an alga rhythm to triangulate a point where a meta human may be hiding and uses it to track down Killer Frost in order to gain her help in finding Barry.


The the four of them head off to the woods on the edge of the city to track her down. At the beginning she does not seem to be interested in helping them and attacks them all instead and eventually they manage to surround her before she can hurt Iris. After Cisco manages to talk some sense into her by stating that Zoom killed the man she loves and she agrees to show them where his hideout is located.


We see Barry and Jessie trying to figure out what the other prisoner is tapping on the glass of there cell. They eventually figure out that he is using a form of alphabet that POW prisoners used to communicate. They get as far as Jay and Barry asks if the person means Jay Garrick and they start nodding but then seems upset when Barry states that he didn’t come with them.

Just as they are about to try and get some more information out of there cell mate Zoom turns up and advises the prisoner not to talk to them again. Barry advises Zoom that he will find a way out of his cell and destroy Zoom, just as he finishes his threat Zoom phases through the cell wall and advises Barry he only needs him barely alive to steal his speed force and proceeds to give Barry a beating. He then rushes off in search if Dr Wells and Barry seems to think he has shown him how to escape although Barry tries many times to try and phase through the wall but cannot seem to replicate the effect and it appears this is down to a frequency issue much like in the last episode with Ciscos powers.


Dr Wells, Cisco, Iris, Barry and Killer frost arrive at Zooms lair and it appears to be a huge cavern dug into a cliff side that only a speedster would be able to reach well apart from Killer frost who creates a giant frost column for them to climb up. The team finally reach Barry and they manage to free Jessier but Barry is still unable to phase through the cell wall and advises the team to leave him behind. Earth 2 Barry is not having any of it and advises him that he can do anything he puts his mind to he just has to believe he can do it as Barry concentrates on what he wants he manages to phase through the wall. Barry does not want to leave the other prisoner behind but before he can figure out a way of setting them free Zoom arrives and thanks killer frost for bringing them all to him. He then pushes Dr Wells and the others out of the way and grabs Jessie by the throat and says “I told you I would kill you in front of your father” but before he can kill her Killer frost hits him with a freeze blast.


Cisco thanks her for her help before she advises him that he should get out of there while he can as she is not sure how long she can hold Zoom. Barry promises the other prisoner that he will be back for them. The team arrive back at star labs and Dr Wells advises Iris and Earth 2 Barry that they need to leave Central city to avoid Zoom coming back for them, Dr Wells also tells Jessie that they also need to leave as they won’t be safe on Earth 2 and they plan to go back with Barry and Cisco just as the alarm is sounded it appears Zoom has managed to escape from Killer Frost’s ice blast.


Back on Earth 1 we have seen the return of the meta human Geomancer who has still been causing issues there and has been destroying buildings in order to try and bring out the flash. We see Caitlin has been working on a better version of Velocity 8 after she discovered the last time they used the formula is caused more harm to Jay’s cells she eventually creates Velocity 9 and gives this to Jay when Geomancer collapses a hospital and Jay manages to save everyone involved.

Geomancer eventually tracks Jay down too Star labs but as he is not around he settles for trying to hurt Caitlin and Iris he knocks Caitlin unconscious and then turns his sites to Iris, just as he is about to causes another tremor he is whacked with a shock collar it appears she wasn’t as badly hurt as we thought and Joe arrives to take Geomancer to jail but in causing all the tremors he has caused the last breach to become unstable. Jay says that the only way he they can fix the breach is for Jay to causes a vortex around the breach while Joe resets the containment walls and this is successful just in time for the Velocity 9 to wear off.


Cisco and Jessie are the first two through the portal but it appears Barry and Dr Wells are taking longer than they should be and we go back to Earth 2 to see Zoom holding Dr Wells by the throat. Dr Wells reaches in his pocket and grabs a syringe before plunging it into Zooms chest just as Barry manages to grab Dr Wells and head into the portal and make it back to home. Jay is waiting on the other side the the implosion device to close the breach as he chucks this into the breach the whole team are celebrating but as Jay has his back to the breach Zoom thrusts his hand through Jays chest and drags him back to Earth 2 much to the horror of the group and the episode comes to an end.


As always for all your Scarlett speedster needs stick with Deadpool_1984 only at also you can follow me on twitter @deadpool_1984


