Fresh Friday’s Featured Artist – Sugar Rush Rock (SRR)


Welcome to another edition of Fresh Friday, this weeks featured artists are an up and coming young band by the name of Sugar Rush Rocks!

I stumbled across these guys this week while I was scouring the internet for indie artists to feature and was blown away at their talent and thier ages! The world need to know who Sugar Rush Rocks because this is just the start and I foresee big things in there future.


So who are Sugar Rush Rocks……

Band members are: Vocals: Paige Nickole, Drums: RJ Hill, Bass: Jake Brightman, Lead Guitar: Michael Sebastian, Rytham Guitar: Joey Fattore, they hail from the South NJ/Philly area and range in age from 13 -16 years-old. SRR cover rock classics and do an awesome job, their vocalist Paige has an amazing voice and has got some real talent and can certainly hit those notes and don’t get me started on the boys, the way they play those instruments, you would think they have been playing for 20 odd years! They blow me away and listing to them makes me incredibly happy!

SRR cover the greats in rock and roll including, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, The Beatles, Cheap Trick, Pat Benatar and Radio Head to name a few, although they don’t have an album (yet!) they do play live gigs. I look forward to buy their album one day! Sugar Rush Rock are definitely a band to watch!!  SSR were kind enough to do a Q&A for which you can check it out blow along with some videos of their gigs, you will find more vids on their YouTube channel


Sugar Rush Rocks Q&A

P. Describe SRR in five words.

SRR. Unique, Focused, Motivated,  Friends, Dedicated.

P. When did the band form and what was the inspiration for the band’s name?

SSR. Sugar Rush Rocks was formed in 2012. When we came up with the name we just thought we are kids rocking out like were on a “Sugar Rush.”

P. Who are your major musical influences?

SRR. Our influences are: Tom Keifer, Dave Grohl, Paul McCartney, John Bonham, Beatles.

P. What has been your most memorable band moment?

SRR. The first time we played together live we were so nervous and awkward around each other. We are so close now and became so close in such a short period of time. Looking back it seems strange that we ever felt nervous around each other.

P. What’s the song writing process like for SRR?

SRR. We usually figure out the rhythm, add layers followed by vocals.



Sugar Rush Rocks Website

Sugar Rush Rocks Facebook Page

Sugar Rush Rocks Twitter Account


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