Pop Culture Pipe Bomb Is NOW LIVE!!!

The team at Skatronixxx are proud to announce that for 2017 we have had a re-brand and we are now POP CULTURE PIPE BOMB.


Head over to www.popculturepipebomb.com now for our new updated site.

‘Are You Ready For Your Daily Pop Culture Explosion’ ???


This is my August reading wrap up and haul! I know this is a tad late but it’s better late than never!

Check out what I read and what I bought!



We Check Out The YouTube Channel ‘VSauce’

Ever wonder what would happen if Superman actually punched you, or if Godzilla could actually exist? How about warm holes, stopping earthquakes or if Mario is really a villain? Then I recommend checking out the YouTube channel Vsauce.


I came across this channel while browsing the wonderful world of Nerdy Nummies (I did an article on her channel and totally recommend checking her out if you haven’t already) and to my wonderful surprise, it had all this amazing information fit for those of us who ever wondered what would happen if Superman actually hit you. Spoiler alert, you would no longer exist, just so ya know.


Several people with so much information run this channel. My favorite person to watch is Jake Roper who runs the vsauce3 channel. He is the one who does the Superman and Godzilla info, as well as what would happen if you were hit by Captain America’s shield, or if you were a giant and so on. This young man is very animated when telling these hypothetical facts, which makes it very fun to watch.

I highly recommend checking out his as well as the other Vsauce channels. They are just really fun and wonderfully informative. Though some of the stuff they say may be a bit over my head it’s still really neat. ^_^


I decided for this tag to bring my gamer husband into the mix! We answer 21 questions related to all things gaming.

Check it out below & even answer the questions in the comments with us!

Happy Gaming,


REVIEW: Kubo And The Two Strings

Oscar winner for Best Animated Feature of 2016? You bet your ass. Kubo and the Two Strings is a must watch.

Warcraft Knightly News Ep : The Good The Bad And The GREAT


<strong>Poke and Darrick talk about the successes the things that need work and the things that make Legion Great. Also they discuss the miss treatment of a poor baby Tauren in a bucket #taurenbabybucket</strong>
Make Sure you Subscribe to catch all the newest content from KoDGaming

Warcraft Knightly News Ep 2: Breaking News Demons Invade

The count down is on for the Legion drop LIVE. So Warcraft Knightly News gets invaded by a guild member and 2 Major announcements this week. Make sure you stay tuned for all the Invasion news and subscribe to keep up to date on all the World of Warcraft News and other great shows we have on KoDGaming!

Uglies Readalong Liveshow Announcement!

If you guys watched my video from last month you know I’m hosting a readalong currently for Uglies by Scott Westerfeld.

This is my all time favorite book & I had a total blast rereading it! I’ll be hosting a liveshow on my channel on September 3rd at 8pm CST! I’ll be joined by some amazing booktubers & we’ll be doing an in depth fun discussion about the book.


Watch the video below to find out more about the readalong & live show 🙂

Hope you can join us!

Happy Reading,


Exciting Unboxing FT. Meagan Precourt

I’m lucky enough to be friends with upcoming author Sara Ella! Sara wrote a book called Unblemished which is set to be published October 11th of this year & will be published by Thomas Nelson which is a part of Harper Collins!

Sara was kind enough to put me on the list to reacieve an ARC, that’s right folks, an Advanced Readers Copy! Whoop Whoop!

Below is me sharing my excitement with all of you over receiving the book!

Make sure to add this to your TBR!

Happy Reading,


Warcraft Knightly News Ep 1: Nobunaga

On this weeks show the boys talk to the legendary Nobunaga from WoW Radio and discuss the major news on going back to Karazhan in patch 7.1. As well as a few of the other announcements from Gamescon 2016. If you were to watch just one episode this is the one you wanna watch.

WoW Radio (also known as WCRadio and Warcraft Radio) was an independent group of players that have come together to produce and promote live radio shoutcasts that air throughout the week. The shows were about 80% talk and 20% music, with most of the music being split between preshows and the royalty free music played when there is no show or archive playing on the stream.

As one hosts of Loremaster Nobunaga was one of the first Podcasters to cover the vast and rich lore in Warcraft who broke the ground for most World of Warcraft podcasts and Vlogs today.

