WWE Smackdown Live! Results July 26, 2016

Smackdown has a huge task ahead of them because, Monday Night RAW was actually pretty good! You can see for yourself Clicking Here! Just like RAW, Smackdown Live has a  new set, which once again isn’t that different or creative. Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon introduce the night with a camera following them from backstage to the live crowd in Buffalo, NY. All Smackdown superstars stand on the apron of the ring, while Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan announce their will be a Number 1 contender for Dean Ambrose’s WWE Championship. Bryan says their will be a six-pack challenge match to determine the winner  First entrant is John Cena, followed by, Bray Wyatt! (my favorite wrestler) Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin, and the phenomenal AJ Styles! The sixth spot is open to….. the winner of a battle royal starting right now! In my eyes just as good of a start to Smackdown as it was to RAW! I am excited for the second night in a row which is very rare given the recent WWE PPV’s. The commentating team consists of Mauro Ranallo, JBL, and David Otunga! (when is the last time you heard that name?)


Battle Royal

All wrestlers constantly try to eliminate each other to gain the upper hand. I can estimate about 16 wrestlers in this match. Elimination after elimination as the crowd watches in suspense. Whose it going to be? Breezango is working well together with a classic commercial interruption. A little fast considering we are only 16 minutes in and have had 2 breaks already! After the break we see the battle royal consisting of only 8 guys now. Alberto Del Rio takes control of the match but is quickly eliminated. After a few eliminations, we are down to the final four! Kane, Apollo Crews, Kalisto and Zack Ryder! I hope Crews wins! Crowd chanting Woo! Woo! Woo! for Zack Ryder. Exciting close drama with Zack Ryder botching a top rope move, slipping off the ropes! Kane eliminates Kalisto! Double broski boot on Kane and Apollo Crews. Giving Kane a chance to stand up and eliminate Zack Ryder by throat! Kane runs after Crews as he pulls the rope down and eliminates the big red machine! Apollo Crews is your 6th man in the number 1 contender match! Typical battle royal match, followed by an interview right near the apron by Renee Young with Apollo! A good way to start off the night let’s see how it continues.


In-between matches a vignette shows Shelton Benjamin returning to Smackdown! Which I reported first in this article HERE!

Natalya vs Becky Lynch
A rematch from Battleground which was not a bad match. A good technical exchange between the women with both female wrestlers taunting towards the crowd. Natalya behind the heel, Becky being face. Crowd chants Becky! Becky! The crowd cheers on energizing Becky Lynch. A few near falls, followed by another taunt by Natalya, and a commercial break. We continue with a series of aggressive forearms by Becky taking control of the match. She climbs to the top rope ascending with a flying leg drop across the throat of Natalya! 1….2….kickout! Sharpshooter attempt blocked with a german suplex on Becky. More submission attempts ending with a discus clothesline by Natalya to a close 2 count! A brief window opens as Becky Lynch locks in the disarmer for a tap out victory!! A Renee Young post interview is interrupted by Alexa Bliss and then Naomi! Carmella interrupts them introducing herself. And now Eva Marie’s music hits to a sea of boos! (I actually like Eva Marie) A strange entrance with a voiceover describing Eva Marie? Very unusual and weird honestly. A good match between Natalya and Becky Lynch, overshadowed by the introduction of the new era women which led to nothing unfortunately.


MizTv SegmOOOOHH! Maryse gets pissed and accepts the match on her husband’s behalf!

Randy Orton vs The Miz
This match seems to be a warmup match to get Randy back in the ballgame. Mis right away exits the ring. Miz tosses Randy out of the ring aggravating his right shoulder injury. He continues to stomp on it all over the ring. Throwing him into steel steps and rolling him back in the ring….RKO outta nowhere! Orton does not cover Miz, favoring his shoulder. Orton pumps the crowd up going into viper mode, hitting another RKO seconds later and now covering him for the 1….2….3! Randy Orton used 1 move twice in the match, which sends a message to Brock Lesnar, showing it only takes 1 RKO to send him to Viper Ville! A double segment between these guys not really showcasing a “new era” in Smackdown.


Heath Slater shows up and knocks out a random wrestler currently in the ring! He spews out frustration why he should have been drafted. Heath wants to be in the main event tonight! Heath starts the chant #SignHeathSlater , to the crowd’s approval, echoing on his side. Shane interrupts him asking for his resume.’ Heath Slater spits out his resume, while to much surprise………..Rhyno slips into the ring and GORES! Heath Slater! The crowd goes nuts as the hottest free agent Rhyno is signed to Smackdown!

Six Pack Challenge
Bray Wyatt vs John Cena vs Apollo Crews vs Dolph Ziggler vs AJ Styles vs Baron Corbin
Bray Wyatt enters first with his vintage…..”Buffalo“……..”I’m here,” to a good crowd ovation. Apollo Crews, Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, AJ Styles, and John Cena follow in that order. The match starts and 2 seconds later they go to commercial! Another awful break, by the geniuses at WWE and USA! We return with Styles and Wyatt working as a team clearing the ring. Ziggler slides back into the ring gaining a near fall on Bray. With Bray still down AJ hits a 450 splash to another near fall on Bray. Chaos ensues as AJ knocks out Cena, then gets tossed by Apollo Crews. Corbin showcases his skills against Apollo with a great amount of intensity. Baron and Apollo fight for a while. All other wrestlers are still on the outside of the ring. Again with a commercial break! We return to a double Tower of Doom Pyramid knocking all 6 guys to the floor! Once more we see only Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin alone in the ring with everyone else outside. A close fall by Crews after a powerbomb, with Wyatt pulling the referee out! Bray spider walks, hitting apollo with a sister abigail, followed by Ziggler hitting him with the Zig-Zag! Cena AA to Ziggler! Cena AA to Styles!! 1…..2…..kickout!! Cena AA’s everyone to a bunch of boos! AJ Styles hits a phenomenal Elbow off the top rope! Ziggler superkicks AJ Styles!! 1…..2……3…!! I am in shock that Dolph Ziggler won this match! I honestly would have rather have Cena win who I hate but I guess Dolph Ziggler does deserve his shot in the new era! Ziegler celebrates as Dean Ambrose’s music hits to a great big cheer, coming down to the ring. Taunting Ziggler with the belt in hand! Decent show put on by Smackdown but I think they lose the first matchup between RAW and Smackdown.

On one show Finn Balor is the winner, and the other Dolph Ziggler? Ziggler should have got his shot a long time ago, but I guess they are making up for lost time. Dean Ambrose against Dolph Ziggler at SummerSlam only on the WWE Network! In my eyes Stephanie McMahon 1 Shane McMahon 0. How did you feel about this week’s show let me know in a comment below or tweet me @MAK10GATOR !!

