Who will Thanos Kill in Avengers: Infinity War?

Online geek news site ComicBookMovie.com has written an interesting opinion piece about the six characters most likely to be killed off in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War movies. Even though the first film isn’t due for release until 2018, there is a lot of speculation about who will make it out of the war alive.

If you’re interested in who the good people at CBM think will meet a premature end at the hands of giant purple villain Thanos (Josh Brolin), you can read all about it here. Over at Skatronixxx towers, I decided to have a bit of a ponder on the question too… and on some I totally agree, but some our opinions differ.

Place your bets, please!

rsz_chris-evans-captain-america-116369.jpg1.Captain America aka Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)

This almost seems like a forgone conclusion at this point. In the real world, we know that Chris Evans‘s contract with MCU has just about come to an end, and the man behind the shield may want to move on to pastures new. In the comics, Captain America has died before, and indeed, many fans were expecting to see Steve Rogers expire in the Civil War movie. So Cap dying towards the end of the movie would not be totally unexpected, and would pave the way for Falcon to pick up the mantle.

rsz_show_b02_capt_america_0310_lands2. Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr)/War Machine (Don Cheadle)

Now, there was some debate in our house about this one… War Machine was critically injured in Civil War, essentially making him a sitting duck when Thanos comes to town. I think he might be killed off early on, causing rage in the Avengers camp. Plus, Thanos just killed him in the comics, so it’s a real possibility. However, my partner raised a good point… Robert Downey Jr will have the same contract expiry as Chris Evans, so his tenure in the MCU could be coming to an end, making him a prime candidate for execution. My thought is, would MCU kill off two characters with the iron suits? I don’t feel like they would, and if one was to go, my money would be on War Machine, but maybe they’re in the mood for a shake up…?

rsz_1hawkeye3. Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner)

Apologies in advance to Jeremy Renner, but this one is a bit of wishful thinking for a lot of MCU fans. Hawkeye has been a bit of a dull character, and (as may people have commented) they’ve now introduced his lovely family and given him a bit of story. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT YOU CANNOT HAVE NICE THINGS?! His death would spark rage in Black Widow (who won’t die because the internet wants to see her solo movie) and would have a tragic human angle as a husband/father would be lost. Also, there is literally zero talk of a Hawkeye solo outing, so he’d be an easy and dramatic kill – possibly to pave the way for the final battle.

4. Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders)rsz_1maria_hill_-_cobie_smulders.png

Now this is a bit of an odd choice for me. I’ve based it on the fact that a) I don’t think all the lady characters will make it through the movies unscathed; b) Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Gamora and Captain Marvel will probably survive due to potential future movies; and c) they could always bring her back via Tahiti (it’s a magical place) if they wanted to. Maria’s been a bit quiet since The Winter Soldier movie, but Cobie Smulders is confirmed to be returning for Infinity War, so I think Ms Hill could make the list of Thanos’s casualties, possibly in a dramatic scene taking out a S.H.I.E.L.D office

rsz_o-the-avengers-hulk-facebook.jpg5. Hulk (Mark Ruffalo)

This is a bit of a wild card, and would possibly make a good cliffhanger for the end of Part 1. As we know, the Hulk is super powerful, so a being that could kill the Hulk would be a scary prospect for the ever-expanding band of superheroes. Again, this would be a huge blow for Black Widow (honestly, I’m not anti-Black Widow, I just think there’s more interesting women they could be featuring for solo projects…) so perhaps bumping off Barton AND Banner would be overkill (pun totally intended!) but possibly necessary to have a big finish to lead into part 2.

At this point, I realise I’ve killed off nearly all the original Avengers. This was not intentional, though would be an interesting play, MCU…

6. Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautistarsz_nejz9ps3doigmo_2_b

I think the big blue guy is going to be the last fatality at Thanos’s hand, and I think he’s going to take the purple fella with him. In the comics, Drax and Thanos have got history – in fact, Drax died at one point attacking Thanos (oops!). In the movie Guardians of the Galaxy it was established that Drax would not rest until he had got vengeance for the murder of his family, and that they could not rest in piece until Thanos was defeated. A hero’s sacrifice is often required in these stories, and Drax seems like the most likely candidate for this. Sorry man, I’ll be sad to see you go!

Do you agree? Disagree? Have you got any better ideas? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Follow me on twitter @pixiewose 


The ‘Captain Marvel’ Director Shortlist Just Got Shorter

Captain Marvel Logo

The ‘Captain Marvel’ film is still a long way off in the eyes of the fans, but it seems Marvel is starting to move things together ready for the film’s production. Now that we’ve got the incredible casting of Brie Larson as the title character out of the way, next up is finding a Director to actually make the darn thing.

The studio had narrowed the search down to just three candidates, however has since added one more. The initial candidates included: Niki Caro (Whale Rider), Lorene Scafaria (Seeking a Friend at the End of the World) and Lesli Linka Glatter (Homeland), with the newest name being added to the list: Rebecca Thomas (Electrick Children).

I can’t say i’m familiar with any of these Director’s works, with even ‘Homeland’ somehow managing to elude me all these years, however Thomas seems to be in high demand at the moment. Though neither film has got the official go ahead from their respective studios, Thomas is slated to direct both Universal’s live-action ‘The Little Mermaid’ and Paramount’s John Green adaptation ‘Looking for Alaska’.


In any case Marvel has plenty of time yet to decide, with the film not due to hit theatres until March 8, 2019! It certainly feels like a long way off now, but given what we already know about the film it’ll be worth the wait. With a script currently being penned by ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ co-writer Nicole Perlman, and ‘Inside Out’ co-writer Meg LeFauve, this film is looking set to be a treat.

If all this news is getting you too excited then don’t fret. Marvel has another 7 films releasing between the time of writing and ‘Captain Marvel’s’ release, one of which is the highly anticipated ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ which could likely see Captain Marvel make her first appearance. Between Film and TV Marvel has a lot to get excited about at the moment.

It’s Official! Brie Larson Is Captain Marvel!


Oscar-winning actress Brie Larson has been officially announced as Captain Marvel in the MCU. The ‘Captain Marvel’ film will hit theatres March 8th 2019 and will be Marvel Studios first solo female superhero film (FINALLY!). Brie was rumoured to be the frontrunner for the role and was officially confirmed at the San Diego Comic Con 2016 at Marvel’s Hall H panel, where she joined Kevin Feige and the cast of Doctor Strange, Black Panther, GOTG Vol. 2 and Spider-man: Homecoming. She also made the announcement on twitter in a photo wearing a Marvel Studios cap saying ‘Call me Captain Marvel.’


Captain Marvel aka Carol Danvers is one of Marvel’s most popular female superheroes. In the comics, Carol Danvers is an air force pilot, who after an accident is exposed to alien DNA and gains powers. She’s had a variety of abilities, such as super-strength, flight and energy projection, but we do not yet know which powers she will have in the movie version.

Brie has previously starred in Room, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, 21 Jump Street and The Spectacular Now. She is currently at SDCC promoting her upcoming film Kong: Skull Island, which also stars Marvel’s Tom Hiddleston (Loki).

If they follow the pattern of previous Marvel characters, we can expect to see a Captain Marvel cameo in an earlier film or post credits scene, she may make her debut in Avengers: Infinity War. Currently, no director has been announced, but its rumoured that Marvel Studios are looking for a female director.

Let us know your thoughts on this casting choice, do you think Brie Larson will make a good Captain Marvel? Skatronixxx.com will keep you updated on all the latest news to come out of SDCC.


Justin Trudeau – A Leader of a Different Sort


Move over Captain America! Step Aside Captain Britain! Make way for Captain Canada!
Teacher, occasional Boxer and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can now add Superhero to his CV.
Toronto based Ramon Perez has designed the variant cover for Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5, featuring Justin Trudeau sporting a big red Maple leaf on his tank top, the Haida tattoo on his shoulder, the famous tousled hair, grin and brilliant blue eyes. [Read more…]

Previewing This Week In Comics: 6/29/16 Edition


Hey everybody you may know me as the Lucha Underground writer for this site so I’d like to welcome you to my new weekly comic book preview for Skatronixxx.

I recently got a job at a comic book store and have the chance to check out and read these issues before many others get the chance to. I hope this info helps you decide what you may pick up this week and I’ll make sure to do it spoiler free.

I’d like to start my first article by beginning with my pick of the week.

Steve’s Pick of the Week: Captain America: Steve Rogers #2

I know many people are frustrated and bothered by the end of the last issue and I was no different. Cap turning “heel” (that’s a wrestling term for you non-wrestling fans) was one of the weirdest decisions in recent comic book history.

Why is this my pick of the week? Let’s just say this issue may be even more intense than the first one. I will admit though, if you had problems with the first issue you may have them with this one as well.

Also this week from Marvel we are getting new issues of Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Darth Vader, Squirrel Girl and Star-Lord. Just to name a few.

Black Panther has been remarkably well-received at my store so far and is consistently towards the top of the popularity list. I’ve enjoyed the first two issues and am looking forward to checking out the third in the next few days.

As I mentioned, we are also getting new issues of other Marvel comics this week. One I suggest you check out is Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #9. I really enjoy this series and this issue is no different. Each issue of this comic is just plain fun.

On the DC side of things its a bit of an off week. There’s no new Rebirth comics week but we do get some interesting annuals from Teen Titans, Grayson and Deathstroke.

My pick on the DC side of things this week would be Dark Knight III: The Master Race #5.

The series is off to a great start and I think that streak continues this week in issue #5.

This week from IDW we get new release like Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #5, Micronauts #3 and Wynona Earp #5. As a massive TMNT fan, I suggest you check out Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #5 this week.

bebop rocksteady.jpg
For other companies like Oni Press, Dark Horse, Image and Boom!, we’ll see some pretty great releases this week from them too. Those being new issues of Rick & Morty, Steven Universe, East of West and Mae.

East of West has been terrific and continues to be in the next issue as does Mae in what is only it’s second issue.

I hope you all have enjoyed my first article on the comics of the week! If you decide to pick up any that I suggest, tweet me at @JellyBeanSteve or @Skatronixxx and let us know what you thought about my choices (rather good or bad).

Thanks for reading and go out and buy comics everybody!

Brie Larson In Early Talks To Play Captain Marvel

Several sources have revealed that Brie Larson, who won the Academy Award for Best Actress, is the frontrunner to star as Captain Marvel in the 2018 superhero film of the same name. Variety reports that Brie Larson is Marvel’s preferred choice to play Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) though the negotiations are still in early stages.

Marvel has reportedly also been searching for a female director to helm the epic. Jennifer Kent (The Babadook) and Niki Caro (McFarland USA) have emerged as contenders to take on the directing job.

The movie already has a script written by Nicole Perlman who co-wrote Guardians of the Galaxy for Marvel Studios and Meg LeFauve who co-wrote Inside Out for Pixar.

Captain Marvel will mark Marvel’s first female led superhero movie. The film will hit cinemas in 2018.

Russo Brother’s Accidentally Reveal Captain Marvel For ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

Right on the tails of the Russo’s revealing their plans for Avengers: Infinity War, they also let another spoiler slip – Captain Marvel will be in the line up for the Infinity War – Part I.


The blonde hero Carol Danvers, who is due to her standalone movie in 2019, was brought up by mistake by the brothers during an event at the Smithsonian Institute. During a discussion about Infinity War the Russo’s mentioned Captain Marvel by name.

A fan immediately pounced with “Did you just confirm Captain Marvel?”

“Um…” Russo replied, “Captain Barvel. Totally different character.”

Right Russo. Totally. We’re so excited for the appearance of Captain Barvel in 2018. Meanwhile, you can see fan reactions to this under the twitter hashtag “#MarvelatSI” to this and more statements from the Russo’s.


Avengers: Infinity War Part I is due for release May 2018, with Part II following up in 2019, and Captain Marvel will make her solo debut in 2019.


Casting News & Director For ‘ Captain Marvel ‘ To Be Announced This Summer

Captain Marvel

Move Over Guardians of the Galaxy, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is about to get that much more busier when Captain Marvel arrives on the scene.

News of a Captain Marvel film has been public knowledge since Marvel’s press-event in October 2014, showcasing their upcoming Cinematic slate . What has remained tight-lipped however has been exactly who will portray the popular heroine and the Director that will helm the ambitious project.

In an interview with Fandango, Marvel Studio’s President Kevin Feige revealed that fans guessing game as to the identity of the lucky actress that will embodied Captain Marvel’s alter ego Carol Danvers will soon be over. “I think we’ll be announcing a filmmaker in the next month or two, and probably some cast members later in the summer, at the end of the summer.

From Sci-Fi icons such as BattleStar Galactica’s Katee Sackhoff to Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s own Eliza Dusku – and even UFC Megastar Rhonda Rousey – fan speculation has been rife as to who should be awarded the role.

Feige also hinted as the nature of the standalone Captain Marvel film, revealing that it will serve as an origin story “about Carol Danvers and that journey to being Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel is currently slated to hit theaters on March 8, 2019.

For all your Marvel-Cinematic-Guessing-Game-News, stick with @mitch_rated only on Skatronixxx
