Post-Brexit Television: Nigel Farage Mockumentary To Be Broadcast On BBC2


It has been announced that Nigel Farage will be the subject of his own mockumentary. Set to air on BBC2, Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back will star Kevin Bishop as the former UKIP leader as he tries to cope with life after his resignation from the party. The new show is being described as a fly-on-the-wall mockumentary, similar to past mockumentaries such as Arrested Development and Come Fly With Me. So far the show is planned as a one-off rather than a series but it is possible this could change if the episode proves to be a success.

But what aspects of Nigel Farage’s life should the episode follow? Here’s what I would like to see from BBC2’s new show.

Farage In The Jungle


It has been said that ITV are desperate for Nigel Farage to appear on this year’s series of I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!, so wouldn’t it be funny to see him decide to go in the jungle? The rest of the episode could follow him trying to prepare for life in the celebrity-based competition, before an ITV producer rings him up to inform him that he has been replaced with the Chuckle Brothers.

The Trump Who Came To Dinner


Recently Nigel Farage joined Donald Trump across the pond at a presidential Mississippi rally, so what if in BBC2’s new show the pair are actually good friends? Perhaps the one-off episode could see Nigel Farage invite Donald Trump around for dinner. Imagine the dinner conversation they could have! It would be like Lord Voldemort and Darth Vader discussing the rise of mudbloods over breakfast at Doctor Doom’s castle.

Loose Farage


What does someone do when they’re jobless?

They watch daytime television of course!

So let’s see Nigel Farage’s view of it. What does he think of Loose Women? Is he an avid viewer of The Chase? Or is Pointless more his style? Nigel Farage may be no stranger to appearing on daytime television but I would have thought as leader of the UKIP party he would have been too busy to actually watch it before.

“I Told You, I’m Done!”


This isn’t the first time Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP as the party has practically begged him to return in the past. What if they were to do so again? Would Nigel Farage return to his party or tell them to get lost?

Let’s see Nigel Farage change the locks on his house so the UKIP members can’t get in. Let’s see him change his landline number so they can’t keep harassing him over the phone. Let’s see Nigel Farage become a hermit and recluse himself from the world.

Stuff UKIP, Nigel Farage wants his life back!

Nigel Farage Is In Da House


Another thing I would like to see is Nigel Farage having the night lifestyle of an 18 year old teenager. I want to see Nigel Farage partying into the early hours of the morning. It’s time for Farage to get his groove on…and wake up with a massive hangover. And because he’s such a major political celebrity, the Daily Mail have pictures of his antics published the next day. Ouch.

Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back will be written by comedy writers Alan Connor and Shaun Pye, behind the hugely successful comedy shows The Rack Pack and A Young Doctor’s Notebook. An air date has yet to be confirmed for the episode. It is currently unknown whether Nigel Farage himself will be watching.

An Interview With Cosplayer Ice Queen OG


Hi Readers

It’s time for another cosplay interview, this time we meet Ice Queen OG! Ice Queen OG is not only a cosplayer, but also a writer and page model too. Now that’s an impressive triple threat! Let’s find out some more about Ice Queen OG.

1) How did you get into cosplaying?

I have known about cosplay for several years, but always thought it wasn’t something I could do. Then mid-summer of 2015 a few friends of mine told me they were going to Anime Fest in Dallas, Texas, and invited me along. They were all cosplaying and were really encouraging for me to join them. So I cosplayed Darth Vader in a Suit (kind of Star Wars/Pulp Fiction crossover). It was so much fun! I knew I had to do it again, and now I’m obsessed!


2) Where do you get your inspiration and ideas to cosplay from? Is it from programs you watch now or childhood programs or both?

Most of my inspiration actually comes from video games I play. I love that you can pull a character from any medium now, and cosplay it to your hearts content. Before I started cosplaying I thought only Anime characters were allowed, and if you did anything else it would be looked down upon. Thankfully, it isn’t like that and most people I meet while cosplaying are super encouraging!

3) How do you put your outfits together are they 100% from scratch and if so what’s been your trickiest part to date?

I’ve only put together 5 cosplays since I started. However, I’ve put together one completely from scratch (I have plans to change that for next year’s con season). I’m a firm believer in closet cosplaying or buying pieces that are already made and putting them together. Especially if they are cosplays that involve school uniforms or basic clothing essentials where it’s more cost effective to buy they pieces than it is to make them.

So my trickiest cosplay to date has been my Dolmari cosplay from the video game Dreamfall Chapters. It was a couple of firsts for me: my first time using body paint, and my first time constructing something that had to hold weight. The body paint was a nightmare the morning of my photoshoot! I had originally only ever painting my face, which was terrible planning on my part, because I barely allotted myself enough time to get my legs, arms, and face covered. The neck piece I had to create for the cosplay was the worst part of the whole thing! The way I originally made it wasn’t strong enough to support the tree limbs that are supposed to rest in it, and it snapped on the day of the photoshoot! Thankfully I got great advice about stronger building materials from some cosplayers I met at A-kon this year and was able to fix everything!


4) What’s your favourite cosplay to date?

It’s a tie between my Darth Vader in a suit cosplay and my Dolmari cosplay. I think it’s fun to put the suit and mask on, and everyone think I’m a guy. I get 100% more bro-fists and “Hey Dude! Sick cosplay!” then when I cosplay anything else. On the flip side I love dressing up in the Dolmari because it’s so pretty and ethereal.

5) If you’ve cosplayed at a convention what was the experience like?

It’s awesome! I recommend everyone go to one, because there is a convention for everyone! I’ve only been to anime and pop culture conventions, but it’s a great feeling to go into a place where there are anywhere from 50 – thousands of people who have similar interests as you.


6) Can we expect to see you at any conventions this year?

Yes! I’m going to be at Anime Austin, Anime Fest, San Japan, and Ikkicon.

7) If you could cosplay as anyone and budget wasn’t an issue who would it be?

Right now it would be the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. It’s the final form of one of the main mechs in Code Geass. It’s really tall and has light up wings. I couldn’t even being to figure out how much foam I would have to buy to make it.

8) Do you have any words of advice for up and coming cosplayers?

Don’t think you can’t do it just because the people you see cosplaying don’t look like you. If you want to cosplay then you should cosplay. No questions asked. Also don’t let cost or lack of skill be an issue to prevent you from cosplaying a certain character, there’s always a way to make something happen with enough research and planning.

9) Where can we find you online?

You can find me on Instagram and Facebook, as well as Twitch where I livestream video games, social eating, and making cosplay.

There you go readers Ice Queen OG! Don’t be shy go say hi and say ‘Skatronixxx sent me!’

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Previewing This Week In Comics: 6/29/16 Edition


Hey everybody you may know me as the Lucha Underground writer for this site so I’d like to welcome you to my new weekly comic book preview for Skatronixxx.

I recently got a job at a comic book store and have the chance to check out and read these issues before many others get the chance to. I hope this info helps you decide what you may pick up this week and I’ll make sure to do it spoiler free.

I’d like to start my first article by beginning with my pick of the week.

Steve’s Pick of the Week: Captain America: Steve Rogers #2

I know many people are frustrated and bothered by the end of the last issue and I was no different. Cap turning “heel” (that’s a wrestling term for you non-wrestling fans) was one of the weirdest decisions in recent comic book history.

Why is this my pick of the week? Let’s just say this issue may be even more intense than the first one. I will admit though, if you had problems with the first issue you may have them with this one as well.

Also this week from Marvel we are getting new issues of Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Darth Vader, Squirrel Girl and Star-Lord. Just to name a few.

Black Panther has been remarkably well-received at my store so far and is consistently towards the top of the popularity list. I’ve enjoyed the first two issues and am looking forward to checking out the third in the next few days.

As I mentioned, we are also getting new issues of other Marvel comics this week. One I suggest you check out is Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #9. I really enjoy this series and this issue is no different. Each issue of this comic is just plain fun.

On the DC side of things its a bit of an off week. There’s no new Rebirth comics week but we do get some interesting annuals from Teen Titans, Grayson and Deathstroke.

My pick on the DC side of things this week would be Dark Knight III: The Master Race #5.

The series is off to a great start and I think that streak continues this week in issue #5.

This week from IDW we get new release like Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #5, Micronauts #3 and Wynona Earp #5. As a massive TMNT fan, I suggest you check out Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #5 this week.

bebop rocksteady.jpg
For other companies like Oni Press, Dark Horse, Image and Boom!, we’ll see some pretty great releases this week from them too. Those being new issues of Rick & Morty, Steven Universe, East of West and Mae.

East of West has been terrific and continues to be in the next issue as does Mae in what is only it’s second issue.

I hope you all have enjoyed my first article on the comics of the week! If you decide to pick up any that I suggest, tweet me at @JellyBeanSteve or @Skatronixxx and let us know what you thought about my choices (rather good or bad).

Thanks for reading and go out and buy comics everybody!

Darth Vader Confirmed For Rogue One (Updated)


So as usual the rumor mill for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is still in full swing as it leads up to it’s release in December this year but one concrete story coming from Entertainment Weekly and there latest cover of the magazine we now know that Darth Vader will appear in the movie.

So the rumor that has been bounding around for so long that Vader will appear and be part of the Imperial effort to keep the Death Star out of the hands of those pesky rebels. What we don’t know is who will be inside the Vader suit, but I hope that James Earl Jones will be lending his memorable voice to the character.

Update – It has now been confirmed by Disney that James Earl Jones will indeed return to voice Darth Vader for this movie.

Gareth Edwards has been shooting and now extensively re-shooting the film and it includes some old looking imperial equipment due to the story being Pre-Episode IV  timeline. We are also promised more details on what red Felicity Jones has in her ledger that she is hoping to erase by helping the Rebel Scum.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be out on December the 16th this year but for now here’s the trailer.

As always for all your Lightsaber battling needs stick with @Deadpool_1984 only at



Star Wars Replicas from the Prop Makers of The Force Awakens


Are you a lover of all things Star Wars? Well the Force is strongly in your favour, because the best of the best have stepped up to create the ultimate prop replicas for you. That’s right, the prop makers from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Prop Shop, are using their talents to create precisely detailed prop replicas of the finest craftsmanship. For now eight prop replicas will be sold without limit, with the exception of two. So what’s for sale Jawas?

Darth Vader Helmet (Melted)

Darth Vader Helmet (Melted) $3,500 (limited edition of 500)


FN-2187 Stormtrooper Helmet

FN-2187 Stormtrooper Helmet $1,750 (limited edition of 500)








Here’s what the talented prop makers have to say about this big project:

“Prop Shop’s been involved in the film business for twenty years, and to be invited to show such a Star Wars it comes with a responsibility. There’s certainly a leap of faith that Lucasfilm made to make this collaboration happen. It’s the first time that I’ve seen where the consumer can actually access props by the props company that worked on the film itself —it’s a very unique feature. We’re creating all of the parts for these props that will match with what you saw in the film. We’ve spent weeks and months developing these things into the best, most authentic, top quality item that we can possibly make. The technology we use when we scan objects and being on set means that we can then take all that detail, capture that, and then reproject that onto a clean model. So basically what you end up with at the end of the day is what you see on set. We carry a huge sense of responsibility to satisfy the fans and make sure they’re really owning a piece of history —that’s what we’re trying to achieve. The fans are gonna get this prop and they’re gonna be really blown away by it. Every day we came to work it wasn’t a job, it was a passion for us and so, I mean, we really, really care about what we’re doing, what we’re producing, and we’re really, really pleased with what we’ve come up with.”

You can’t get any nearer to the real thing than this. The props will be where they should be, and that’s with the fans. It’s been a real labour of love for us at Prop Shop, and we really hope that you enjoy having these pieces in your homes.” – Prop Shop


For the full video, including a little behind-the-scenes footage, watch this:

Very interesting indeed. If you would like to browse their site, click HERE. If you buy one (or two) be sure to send us a picture. Personally I’d love to own the Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, or X-Wing helmet.What are your thoughts on the props? Any favourites? What other Star Wars props do you want to see Prop Shop make in the future? Comment, share and like below, or tweet me @SohoDoll. And as always, “May the Force be with you.”
