Star Wars Replicas from the Prop Makers of The Force Awakens


Are you a lover of all things Star Wars? Well the Force is strongly in your favour, because the best of the best have stepped up to create the ultimate prop replicas for you. That’s right, the prop makers from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Prop Shop, are using their talents to create precisely detailed prop replicas of the finest craftsmanship. For now eight prop replicas will be sold without limit, with the exception of two. So what’s for sale Jawas?

Darth Vader Helmet (Melted)

Darth Vader Helmet (Melted) $3,500 (limited edition of 500)


FN-2187 Stormtrooper Helmet

FN-2187 Stormtrooper Helmet $1,750 (limited edition of 500)








Here’s what the talented prop makers have to say about this big project:

“Prop Shop’s been involved in the film business for twenty years, and to be invited to show such a Star Wars it comes with a responsibility. There’s certainly a leap of faith that Lucasfilm made to make this collaboration happen. It’s the first time that I’ve seen where the consumer can actually access props by the props company that worked on the film itself —it’s a very unique feature. We’re creating all of the parts for these props that will match with what you saw in the film. We’ve spent weeks and months developing these things into the best, most authentic, top quality item that we can possibly make. The technology we use when we scan objects and being on set means that we can then take all that detail, capture that, and then reproject that onto a clean model. So basically what you end up with at the end of the day is what you see on set. We carry a huge sense of responsibility to satisfy the fans and make sure they’re really owning a piece of history —that’s what we’re trying to achieve. The fans are gonna get this prop and they’re gonna be really blown away by it. Every day we came to work it wasn’t a job, it was a passion for us and so, I mean, we really, really care about what we’re doing, what we’re producing, and we’re really, really pleased with what we’ve come up with.”

You can’t get any nearer to the real thing than this. The props will be where they should be, and that’s with the fans. It’s been a real labour of love for us at Prop Shop, and we really hope that you enjoy having these pieces in your homes.” – Prop Shop


For the full video, including a little behind-the-scenes footage, watch this:

Very interesting indeed. If you would like to browse their site, click HERE. If you buy one (or two) be sure to send us a picture. Personally I’d love to own the Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, or X-Wing helmet.What are your thoughts on the props? Any favourites? What other Star Wars props do you want to see Prop Shop make in the future? Comment, share and like below, or tweet me @SohoDoll. And as always, “May the Force be with you.”

Star War’s ‘Daisy Ridley’ In Talks For ‘Tomb Raider’ Reboot

Daisy Ridley

With a hugely successful Inter-Galatic franchise under her belt, Star Wars The Force Awaken’s Daisy Ridley could get her own Blockbuster to helm if talks with the Big-Wigs over at Warner Bros. goes well.

Speaking on the red carpet for the 2016 Empire Awards. The Jedi-in-training confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that there “have been conversations” about her helming the rebooted adaptation of Crystal Dynamics acclaimed Tomb Raider video game series, with the British actress currently just “waiting for someone to say ‘I want you, let’s do it’.”

Earlier this month, Norwegian Director Roar Uthaug revealed that he would be taking on the rebooted action-adventure series that previously starred Angelina Jolie as the British archeologist Lara Croft. In an interview with IGN, Uthaug confirmed that his film would tread familiar ground as 2013’s Tomb Raider game, concentrating on Lara’s origin with the director looking “to make people relate to Lara as a character.”

Although the film is still in the pre-production stage, it seems that Ridley certainly has the endorsement of her Star Wars co-star Joh Boyega – who after playing the video game – told THR that he texted the star, telling her that “‘this is you!’ and ‘you need to get on that because you could be Lara Croft.’ She should be.”

For all your Tomb-Raiding-Lightsaber-Fighting-News, stick with @mitch_rated only on Skatronixxx
