Darth Vader Confirmed For Rogue One (Updated)


So as usual the rumor mill for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is still in full swing as it leads up to it’s release in December this year but one concrete story coming from Entertainment Weekly and there latest cover of the magazine we now know that Darth Vader will appear in the movie.

So the rumor that has been bounding around for so long that Vader will appear and be part of the Imperial effort to keep the Death Star out of the hands of those pesky rebels. What we don’t know is who will be inside the Vader suit, but I hope that James Earl Jones will be lending his memorable voice to the character.

Update – It has now been confirmed by Disney that James Earl Jones will indeed return to voice Darth Vader for this movie.

Gareth Edwards has been shooting and now extensively re-shooting the film and it includes some old looking imperial equipment due to the story being Pre-Episode IV  timeline. We are also promised more details on what red Felicity Jones has in her ledger that she is hoping to erase by helping the Rebel Scum.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be out on December the 16th this year but for now here’s the trailer.

As always for all your Lightsaber battling needs stick with @Deadpool_1984 only at skatronixxx.com


