Previewing This Week In Comics: 6/29/16 Edition


Hey everybody you may know me as the Lucha Underground writer for this site so I’d like to welcome you to my new weekly comic book preview for Skatronixxx.

I recently got a job at a comic book store and have the chance to check out and read these issues before many others get the chance to. I hope this info helps you decide what you may pick up this week and I’ll make sure to do it spoiler free.

I’d like to start my first article by beginning with my pick of the week.

Steve’s Pick of the Week: Captain America: Steve Rogers #2

I know many people are frustrated and bothered by the end of the last issue and I was no different. Cap turning “heel” (that’s a wrestling term for you non-wrestling fans) was one of the weirdest decisions in recent comic book history.

Why is this my pick of the week? Let’s just say this issue may be even more intense than the first one. I will admit though, if you had problems with the first issue you may have them with this one as well.

Also this week from Marvel we are getting new issues of Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Darth Vader, Squirrel Girl and Star-Lord. Just to name a few.

Black Panther has been remarkably well-received at my store so far and is consistently towards the top of the popularity list. I’ve enjoyed the first two issues and am looking forward to checking out the third in the next few days.

As I mentioned, we are also getting new issues of other Marvel comics this week. One I suggest you check out is Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #9. I really enjoy this series and this issue is no different. Each issue of this comic is just plain fun.

On the DC side of things its a bit of an off week. There’s no new Rebirth comics week but we do get some interesting annuals from Teen Titans, Grayson and Deathstroke.

My pick on the DC side of things this week would be Dark Knight III: The Master Race #5.

The series is off to a great start and I think that streak continues this week in issue #5.

This week from IDW we get new release like Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #5, Micronauts #3 and Wynona Earp #5. As a massive TMNT fan, I suggest you check out Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything #5 this week.

bebop rocksteady.jpg
For other companies like Oni Press, Dark Horse, Image and Boom!, we’ll see some pretty great releases this week from them too. Those being new issues of Rick & Morty, Steven Universe, East of West and Mae.

East of West has been terrific and continues to be in the next issue as does Mae in what is only it’s second issue.

I hope you all have enjoyed my first article on the comics of the week! If you decide to pick up any that I suggest, tweet me at @JellyBeanSteve or @Skatronixxx and let us know what you thought about my choices (rather good or bad).

Thanks for reading and go out and buy comics everybody!

Rick And Morty SN1 EP2 – ‘Lawnmower Dog’


Rick and Morty’s official first episode is Lawnmower Dog. Now Lawnmower Dog begins with Rick outfitting Morty’s stupid dog with an intelligence helmet. This helmet obviously comes into play later on.

Snuffles plays off Jerry, making Jerry seem smarter in the opening to show off the real change coming.  Jerry pleads for Rick to help out the family, and shows off another layer for this dimwitted dad. One of the only moments where he really does something.

Again I love how Rick despises school. He loves to talk down school and by saying homework is just done to get less out of the kids does make perfect sense.

The meat of this episode revolves around Morty and Rick traveling through his math teacher’s brain in order to get him an A. What happens is a terrible journey through the dreams of different people begins.

His math teacher’s dream is all about him and Mrs.Pancake flirting, before Rick and Morty come in and “9/11” it. Now Mrs.Pancakes dream is twisted, a terribly raunchy dream where Summer even wants Morty, another layer from Morty’s teacher. After jumping into a centaur’s dream, they fall into a nightmare involving Scary Terry.

Slowly but surely Snuffles begins to talk and do. Snuffles is a fantastic character because he just wants to be the best he can be especially after seeing a wolf documentary.

The obligatory 80’s-esque slasher movie reference of Scary Terry is phenomenal.

“Where are my Testicles Summer?” Like another horror movie line.Snuffles appears before Summer’s bed.  He goes on to talk to her, about how terribly dogs are treated. Now, the dogs are in control.

The show then goes on to obliterate the writing of those old horror movies. Having them hide instead of run stops Terry from really being able to do anything.

“You think you can control me with a haircut?” Jerry is so stupid, he doesn’t realize Snowball is threatening to neuter him.

They then jump into Terry’s dream and give hm pants stopping his nightmare of being pants less in school. With Terry’s help they blast through the dreams waking everyone up. With Terry’s help the teacher vows to give Morty an A.

In the end of it all Snuffles, saves Morty and decides it’d be best for his kind to leave Earth behind for a place that has mandatory pet insurance. Which is rather hilarious because the pets basically become human once they leave their humans.

They now have to stop the dogs so Jerry decides to run in and pee on everything to claim it all. But of course his face is rubbed in urine. Classic Jerry trying so hard in order to fail. As the dogs rule, Morty is given top spot, but Rick busts in to say it is just a dream.

Seeing Morty dying before him Snuffles wakes up and vows to create a dog world, where pet insurance is mandatory. The episode ends with Morty and Rick talking about how they’d definitely watch a show about a dog driven universe.

This episode is rife with amazing cultural references, from Inception to Scary Terry’s swords for hands. Terry’s gratuitous use of Bitch makes the episode that much better as it should be the line he uses when he finishes a foe. All in all a great episode of Rick and Morty

Rick And Morty SN1 EP1 – ‘Pilot’

22881Rick and Morty, two of greatest cartoon characters in a good long while. The awkward stumbling Morty and the genius psychopath Rick. Ever since the premiere episode fans have enjoyed 2 seasons of space traveling insanity.

The Pilot episode introduces us to our main characters Rick and Morty. Morty being the grandson and Rick being the grandfather. After Rick’s miraculous return, Morty instantly gloms onto the idea of traveling and spending time with Rick. I mean who wouldn’t want to do crazy things in space with a mad man?

The funny thing about this show is that it doesn’t really follow any rules of television.It does it’s own thing and the comedy falls out from that. Rick drunkenly wakes up dear Morty from his sleep, and says he’ll blow everything up and start fresh. Morty awkwardly worries why he’d do this but seems to accept it. This opening scene shows off the relationship between the two without ever explicitly saying what it is.

Though the bomb is never brought up again throughout the whole episode. You are also introduced to Jerry Morty’s stupid father, Beth, Jerry’s nice mom, and Summer his elder sister. They are troubled by Rick taking Morty out of school.

Rick’s thoughts about school are pretty hilarious. Especially since as soon as Morty goes to school Rick’s thoughts are true. Morty then has a dream about his crush Jessica but is actually interacting with his teacher.  It is rather creepy that his teacher is a little to into this, as he lets Morty do it for another five minutes.

Rick charges in and takes Morty out of school in his normal manner, and bullies him into coming with him. He can’t help but just do all he can to get his own way. But he is also deep, which he really isn’t in other episodes. Far funnier for him to just be a terrible person.

Morty ends up breaking his legs, when Rick doesn’t tell him to turn on his gravity boots. Rick travels into the future and grabs a special serum to heal his grandson. Hilariously saying that in this future there are no old people so he was able to have tons of fun with young women. I guess everyone has somewhere they could belong.

Morty hasn’t been staying in school because of Rick and is in trouble with his principal. Pushing the mega seeds up inside of his butt they try to travel home. This show loves to undermine its characters, as soon as the seeds are up butt he is chosen for a special check. Of course acting like an idiot and running is in fact the right thing to do.

An epic chase scene occurs, as they run through the spaceport.Quite the episode highlight, in my humble opinion. I enjoy seeing Morty learning and growing since he is so stupid. It is rather humorous that he actually might learn some real things with this crazy drunk.

Landing back at school Morty gains the favor of Jessica. As they try to move Rick out, Morty ingests the mega seed showing off an intense intelligence. In the final moment he spasms uncontrollably as the mega seed loses its power.

His parents still annoyed decide to let Rick stay even though they were right all along. Rick then goes on a semi fourth wall break, as he knows full well that he is in a Television show. The wit of this makes him seem far more real, he acts like he has control but he knows full well all his whims are at the bidding of some outside force. He doesn’t believe in God, but he believes in this force, and it is clear by his final outburst.

All in all this is a good first episode.  A brief introduction to a strange family.  I did enjoy seeing these characters two very different characters try to work things out and get out of trouble. Though seeing that this is the pilot, the characters are definitely not as great as they are in the real first episode. I will endeavor to finish reviewing the series in a lead up to its fantastic return later this year.

